US economy forecast to grow by 3.1 percent in 2015 and 2016, says IMF
The International Monetary Fund downgraded its outlook for US economic growth this year, but still expects there to be solid growth nonetheless.
On Tuesday, the...
No signs of super-advanced alien life after 100,000 galaxies searched
A team of scientists searched for super-advanced alien life in 100,000 galaxies and found no evidence. They used observations from NASA’s WISE orbiting observatory....
Scientists try to solve the Four Corners methane mystery
There is an area in the US where the states of Utah, New Mexico, Colorado and Arizona meet, that has the highest concentrations of...
Fairly large asteroid coming awfully close to Earth in 2017
A fairly large asteroid from 12 to 40 metres (40 to 130 feet) wide will whizz by very close to us and could even crash...
Mysterious signals came from kitchen microwave oven, not aliens
Mysterious signals thought to have come from deep space and possibly aliens, in fact, originated from somewhere much less spectacular - a microwave oven...
Dark matter maps will help explain their role in the Universe
Scientists have released the first in a series of dark matter maps of the Universe that should help us understand their role in the...
Robotic chef could well leave top professionals out of a job
A new robotic chef has been created which can cook Michelin star food right in your kitchen just by receiving recipes from an online...
Poundland posts record high yearly revenue of over £1 billion
Poundland posted record high yearly revenue of over £1 billion for the 12 months to 29 March - the first fiscal year in which...
Liquid water on Mars likely near the surface, evidence shows
While the surface of Mars is too cold for liquid water, it probably exists just below, according to data gathered by NASA’s Curiosity rover....
Will plaice and chips become squid and chips because of climate change?
Fish and chips may soon lose the plaice or haddock and be replaced by John Dory, red mullet or squid if the North Sea...