Werewolf plant Ephedra foeminea releases pollen only in July’s full moon
Did you know there is a plant that only releases its pollen under the light of the full moon in July? It is called...
Ted Cruz is certainly not a modern-day Galileo
Ted Cruz, the Canadian-born junior United States Senator for Texas, seems intent on debunking global warming - a phenomenon that the majority of scientists...
Planet Earth is now greener than in 2003, despite Amazon rainforest losses
Since 2003, the Earth has become greener, despite considerable losses from the Amazon and Indonesian rainforests, an Australian-led study has shown. The amount of...
Glow-in-dark tampons may help keep rivers free of sewage
When tampons absorb chemicals commonly found in river pollutants they glow under ultra-violet light. Engineers from the University of Sheffield are using them to...
Ants love human fast foods, new study shows
Many types of ants (not all) love human fast foods, a study on various species in the streets of Manhattan found, which may help...
Tiny Blackpoll Warbler migrates thousands of miles non-stop
The 12 gram (0.42 oz) Blackpoll Warbler travels from the northeast of North America, flying non-stop for three days during its trip to South America,...
Mystery radio bursts from space could be from aliens, scientists say
Radio dishes have picked up strange radio bursts from space which have a pattern that only makes sense if they came from intelligent aliens,...
Google announces two new Chromebooks that will only cost $149
Google announced on Tuesday that it is releasing two new Chromebook $50 cheaper than its previous line of laptops.
The upcoming Haier Chromebook 11 (available...
Buffet would not raise rates by much if he ran the Fed
Warren Buffet, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, said that if he ran the Federal Reserve he would not raise interest rates by much.
When Buffet was...
Ants cope with zero gravity in space amazingly well
Last year some ants were sent into space to see how they would cope in a zero-gravity environment. Today, researchers say that although the...