Loch Ness monster video may be best proof yet legend might be real
A black hump emerged on the surface of Loch Ness, the famous Scottish lake where the legendary Nessie (Loch Ness Monster) is supposed to...
Hedgehog haven covering 222 acres for Solihull, England
Warwickshire Wildlife Trust has selected Solihull for its 222 acre (90 hectare) hedgehog haven, the first to be dedicated purely for the protection of...
Cyborg beetles’ flight controlled remotely marks the advent of insect drones
Scientists fitted little transmitter backpacks to giant flower beetles and managed to control when they took off, landed, hovered in mid-air, and turned left...
Let kids enjoy the solar eclipse outdoors, Scottish astronomer tells primary schools
Several Scottish primary schools are refusing to let their children go outside during the solar eclipse on Friday morning, March 20th. Professor John Brown,...
Alien life on other planets better detected using colors
The quest for alien life on other planets could be improved using a system of colors created by a team of German and American...
Giant Antarctica Totten Glacier melting alarmingly rapidly, sea levels will rise
A valley underneath the massive Totten Glacier in East Antarctica delivers warm water to the base of the ice, causing considerable melting, which will...
Dyson invests $15 million in solid-state battery technology
British inventor and industrial designer James Dyson is investing $15 million into new battery technology.
The money is being invested in an American company called...
Willis Tower sold to Blackstone Group for $1.3 billion
Chicago's iconic Willis Tower, also known as the Sears Tower, is being bought by private equity real estate investor Blackstone Group for $1.3 billion.
Uber CFO Brent Callinicos is stepping down
Uber CFO Brent Callinicos is stepping down, according to an email sent to investors by CEO Travis Kalanick. The letters CFO stand for Chief...
Ryanair plans to offer low-cost transatlantic flights
Ryanair announced plans to offer transatlantic flights that could cost as little as £10, according to recent reports.
The budget airline said that the low-cost...