
Blue rayed limpet

Blue-rayed limpet holds secret for windscreen transparent displays with no internal light source

A tiny mollusk, the blue-rayed limpet, has natural optical structures which could be used for transparent displays on screens, including car windscreens (US English:...
Valuable brand

Ericsson is suing Apple for alleged patent infringement

Ericsson is suing Apple for alleged patent infringement. The Swedish multinational provider of communications technology has filed two complaints with the US International Trade Commission...

Cooler Pacific Ocean giving global warming a “false pause”, scientists warn

The reason global warming has slowed down is the cooler Pacific Ocean, which for the last two decades has been Earth’s air conditioner –...

RBS selling its U.S. loan assets to Mizuho for around $3 billion

On Thursday Mizuho Financial Group Inc announced that it agreed to acquire Royal Bank of Scotland Group's U.S. loan assets for around $3 billion. Mizuho...

Google to show ads on its mobile app store

Google will soon be showing ads on its mobile app store, called Google Play, in an effort to generate more revenue in the smartphone...

Fable Legends will be free-to-play for Xbox One and Windows 10

Lionhead Studios revealed that Fable Legends, its next-gen online roleplaying game title, is going to be free-to-play for Xbox One and Windows 10 platforms. David...
Dust from Sahara to Amazon

Amazon rainforest gets nutrients from the Sahara, millions of tons annually

The Amazon rainforest, a dense green mass of humid jungle, receives millions of tons of nutrient-rich Saharan dust that is blown over every year....

Russia commits to International Space Station until 2024, then plans Moon missions

Russia said it is committed to operations on the International Space Station until 2024, after which it plans to do robotic and manned missions...
Solar Eclipse

Eclipse of the Sun on March 20th across Northern Europe

For the first time since August 1999, a total eclipse of the Sun will be visible in Northern Europe between Iceland and the Outer...
Ceres with two mysterious bright lights

Two bright alien objects on Ceres dwarf planet have scientists mystified

A photograph from NASA's Dawn spacecraft shows two mysterious bright objects on the surface of the dwarf planet Ceres. Scientists were puzzled when only...