
India GDP growth 4.6% in Q1 2014

India GDP growth of +4.6% for the first quarter of 2014 (the fourth quarter of India’s financial year) was the same as in the...

Electric school buses make economic sense

Millions of dollars could be saved by school districts in the US if they utilized electric school buses, plus children’s exposure to diesel fumes...

UK 2014 economic forecast will be a 7-year high

The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) has upgraded its UK 2014 economic forecast to 3.1% from 2.8%, while its 2015 forecast has increased to...

May UK economic growth record high

May UK economic growth came in at a record high, according to data released by the the Confederation of British Industry (CBI). May's figure...

Ford recalls 1.4 million cars

Ford recalls 1.4 million cars in North America because of power steering loss and corrosion problems. Other car companies have also recalled millions of...

Asia faces five challenges, says IMF

According to the IMF’s Finance & Development magazine, Asia faces five challenges: promoting financial development, stemming increasing inequality, coping with an aging population, improving...

Minority entrepreneurs face discrimination

When seeking a business loan, minority entrepreneurs face discrimination in the US, a new study published in the Journal of Consumer Research reports. Small-business...

April Eurozone Leading Economic Index down, The Conference Board

The April Eurozone Leading Economic Index declined slightly (0.1%) compared to March, driven mainly by the falls in the Economic Sentiment Index and Markit...

Apple Beats acquisition confirmed

Apple confirms it will buy Beats Music and Beats Electronics, the music streaming service provider and headphone maker. This is the largest takeover by...
flag of france

French tax income 14 billion euros short

President François Hollande assured everybody when he came into power two years ago that French tax income would increase if he dramatically raised income,...