Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Aequorea village under water off Rio in Brazil

Underwater village Aequorea with skyscrapers designed by Belgian architect

Belgian architect, Vincent Callebaut, has designed an underwater village called Aequorea with skyscrapers, which he describes as a self-sufficient non-polluting eco-village where almost everything is located below...
Ben King got some good fossil specimens

Fossil frenzy in Charmouth after major cliff fall

A fossil frenzy at Charmouth, the gateway to the Jurassic Coast, followed a major cliff fall as people went about looking for fossils washed...
Cameron Brexit

German right will back Cameron but not for a British Europe

The German right, the country’s conservatives, including Chancellor Angela Merkel, will back David Cameron in his attempt to improve the European Union, but warn...
Titan arum flower in bloom

Corpse Flower with stench of rotting flesh attracts thousands in Australia

A Corpse Flower with the stench of rotting flesh is attracting thousands of people to Mount Lofty Botanic Garden in Adelaide, South Australia. Titan arum...
Genome of ancient Irish people Skull

Genetic history of Irish people shows mass migration from far away

The genetic history of the Irish people shows there has been mass migration from many areas, including as far away as Eurasia and the...
Life in space water

UFO sightings rose dramatically worldwide in November and December

The number of UFO sightings rose dramatically during November and December 2015, which alien enthusiasts claim is further proof we are being visited, observed,...
Bright meteor at high speed hits Earth

Ultra fast meteor hits our atmosphere at 29000 mph

An ultra fast meteor came in from space and hit our atmosphere earlier this month at an incredible speed of 29000 miles per hour...
Javan Green Magpie with two fledglings

Rare Javan Green Magpie at Chester Zoo in extinction prevention attempt

A very rare Javan Green Magpie (Cissa thalassina) has been brought to Chester Zoo to join a number of other birds in an extinction...
Oakham Castle perimeter wall unearthed

Oakham Castle perimeter wall unearthed by archaeologists

A part of the defensive perimeter wall that surrounds Oakham Castle, constructed between 1180 and 1190 for Walchelin de Ferriers, Lord of the Manor...

More heavy rainfall and flooding to hit northern England this week, Met Office says

The Met Office expects another spell of heavy rainfall and flooding this week in northern England.  Over 7,000 British troops have been called in to...