Potentially habitable planet really near us has scientists super excited
A potentially habitable planet really near to us has scientists super excited. The planet – Wolf 1061c – is just 14 light years away,...
Greenland Ice Sheet loss colossal since 1900 and is accelerating
The Greenland Ice Sheet loss has been colossal since the year 1900 and is accelerating, warns a large international team of scientists, who reported that...
Potential Higgs Boson type particle discovery with LHC – CERN scientists believe
A Higgs Boson type particle, perhaps an extremely heavy variation of it, may have been detected by the Large Hadron Collider, say CERN physicists, who spotted unexpected...
Fracking for shale gas below national parks approved by UK MPs
Fracking for shale gas 1,200 metres below national parks and other protected sites has been approved by MPs (Members of Parliament) in a 298...
Dogs and humans have been together for 33000 years
Dogs and humans have been together for about 33000 years, with the relationship starting off in southern East Asia, and then migrating to the...
Glorious Geminid Meteor Shower viewed from every corner of Earth
The Glorious Geminid Meteor Shower has been viewed by keen stargazers from every corner of Earth again this year. The magical celestial spectacle is...
ISS comes with a hundred billion euro price tag
The ISS (International Space Station) comes with a one hundred billion euro price tag – this includes all development, assembly and running costs. Does...
Astronauts pay a high physical price for being in space
When astronauts spend six months in space, they pay a high physical price, from a stretched-out spine, weakened skeletal muscles, a puffy face, reduced...
UK butterfly populations declined alarmingly in last four decades
UK butterfly populations have declined alarmingly over the last four decades, with three-quarters of all British species suffering significant slumps, a major scientific study...
Super sensitive dark matter detector twenty times better now
A super sensitive dark matter detector, the Large Underground Xenon dark matter experiment, the most sensitive in the world, has just been improved. This...