Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Army ants making living bridge

Army ants make complex bridges with their own bodies in tropical forests

Army ants overcome challenging engineering problems by constructing complex bridges - using their own bodies - to create shortcuts and span gaps in the...
Santa sleigh over UK on Xmas Eve

Santa sleigh in Christmas Eve sky will be International Space Station

The Santa and Rudolph sleigh will be visible in the sky on Christmas Eve. It will, in fact, be the International Space Station orbiting...
London at night

Stunning London at night picture taken by astronaut on board ISS

A stunning picture of London at night has been taken and published online by NASA astronaut Dr. Kjell Norwood Lindgren on board the ISS...
Russian warplane

Shot Russian plane official accounts unlikely, say Belgian astrophysicists

The shot Russian plane is unlikely to have met its unfortunate fate according to the official accounts issued by Turkish and Russian authorieis, say...
Dog sized dinosaur fossil

Dog sized dinosaur discovered in North America, lived during Late Cretaceous period

A dog sized dinosaur fossil that lived during the Late Cretaceous period has been found in eastern North America and identified by Dr. Nick...
Resurrection using AI

Resurrection after death possible in 30 years, with AI, company claims

Resurrection after death will be possible in about 30 years’ time, with AI (artificial intelligence), says the Los Angeles-based company Humai. The company says...
Sir David Attenborough approaching 90

David Attenborough calls on scientific brains to stop global warming

Sir David Attenborough calls on the scientific brains of the world to gather and find a way of hitting global warming on the head...
Japan resumes whaling photo

Japan resumes whaling in Antarctic – Australia and New Zealand criticize decision

Japan has resumed whaling around Antarctic waters, a decision that has been condemned by the governments of Australia and New Zealand. However, the so-called...
double burst radio signals have scientists baffled

Double burst radio signals may be from intelligent alien life

The mysterious double burst radio signals picked up by the Parkes radio telescope in Australia recently could be coming from intelligent alien life, say...
Fur seal bite

Man with fur seal bite given urgent attention in South Atlantic

A man with a fur seal bite was given urgent  medical attention in the South Atlantic by British forces. The patient was visiting the...