Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.


Ocean acidification may not have killed off ammonites 66 million years ago, say scientists

The belief that ocean acidification, caused by the asteroid impact sixty-six million years ago, killed off all the ammonites, could be wrong, say scientists...
Ultra angry robot

Super angry robot customer for staff training being created

A super angry robot, that gets upset about the slightest thing, is being built by New Zealand software marketing solutions company Touchpoint Group Ltd. Imagine...
bright spots Ceres

Bright spots on Ceres are reflections of sunlight, not alien devices

The bright spots on the dwarf planet Ceres are caused by the reflection of sunlight and absolutely not by alien devices, investigators for the...
Ropopet thumbnail

Robopets will replace real animals within ten years, study predicts

The growth in high-density city living and our infatuation with high tech products mean that robopets will start replacing real animals within the next...
Dartmoor circle of stones

Mystery ancient stone circle discovered on Dartmoor may be older than Stonehenge

A remarkable archaeological discovery suggests a sophisticated ancient civilisation lived on Dartmoor, an area of moorland in south Devon, England, about 5,000 years ago....

My robot avatar NAO shakes hands and improves business negotiations

If you can’t be at a business meeting, using NAO as your robot avatar instead of a simple video-conferencing or a Skype-like service is...

EU environment law review is a huge threat, say UK environmental groups

The European Union’s review of environment law is the greatest threat in a generation, say over 100 British environmental groups. The European Commission’s plan...
Cat mummy thumbnail

Many animal mummies are empty, don’t contain animal remains

Many Egyptian animal mummies are empty and do not contain animal remains, a science team from the University of Manchester and Manchester Museum informed...
Hen harrier

Three nesting male hen harriers ‘vanish’ in Lancashire

Natural England informed that three nesting male hen harriers ‘vanished’ from Bowland in Lancashire. The RSPB and Lancashire police are appealing for any information...

Super ancient brain fossil discovery helps determine how heads first evolved

A 500 million-year-old fossilised brain, discovered at Burgess Shale in the Canadian Rockies, is helping scientists determine how the heads of early animals first...