Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Liverpool St excavation

Bedlam excavation to examine 3,000 skeletons for plague bacteria strain

London’s first municipal burial ground, Bedlam, dating from 1569 to 1738, is being excavated by archeologists before Liverpool Street Station's ticket office is built...
Habitable exoplanet

Goldilocks planet GJ 581d does exist, your method was flawed, say UK scientists

There is a planet 20 light years away in the ‘Goldilocks Zone’ that scientists refer to as GJ 581d. In 2014, astrophysicists said it...

Beautiful Eurasian Lynx back in Britain after 1300 year absence

The beautiful Eurasian Lynx could be living in the wild in British woodlands after being driven to extinction 1300 years ago if Lynx UK...

Ultra-fast UFO flying over Silicon Valley has viewers mystified

An ultra-fast UFO was filmed by a drone flying over Silicon Valley in California at unbelievable speed. The drone, a DJI Inspire 1, was...
Colobus baby

Endangered King Colobus monkey born at Paignton Zoo in Devon, England

A rare King Colobus monkey was born on Saturday to proud parents Ivy and Martin at Paignton Zoo in Devon, England. A spokesperson for...

London’s Bedlam burial ground excavation of 3000 skeletons underway

Sixty archeologists are excavating about 3,000 skeletons at London’s most valuable 16th and 17th century cemetery site – the Bedlam burial ground at Liverpool...
Burying Beetles

Very sexually active males are less secure, in the world of beetles

Very sexually active male beetles tend to be more insecure about where they stand in the social pecking order compared to their less sexually active peers,...
Global warming - thumbnail image

Global warming set to accelerate, so prepare to adapt, scientists warn

Start adapting to living in a warming world, researchers warn, because an analysis of climate changes that occur over several decades shows that these...
Genghis Khan

Millions of Asian men today descended from Genghis Khan and 10 other dynastic leaders

Genghis Khan had several sons, and they had several sons too, and so did their sons, etc. This trend of fathering many sons continued...
Lenticular cloud above a mountain

UFO sightings were really lenticular clouds, UK

Alien enthusiasts were excited when they thought a bunch of UFO’s had flown over the Northwest of England, but they were lenticular clouds, a...