Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Royal Botanical Gardens Kew

Kew Gardens let down by Government, unlike Natural History Museum, say MPs

Kew Gardens has been let down by the Government, due to cuts and interference, unlike the Natural History Museum, say MPs on the Science...
Archaeological find Were Jaguar

City of the Monkey God discovered in Honduras, National Geographic reports

A team of Honduran and American archaeologists, aided by a group of former British SAS soldiers, have discovered the legendary “City of the Monkey...
Stegosaurus skeleton NHM

‘Sophie’ Stegosaurus weighed 1.6 tonnes, says Natural History Museum

A 150-million-year-old Stegosaurus weighed about 1.6 tones (1,600 kg, 3,527 lbs) when it was alive, the Natural History Museum in London announced on Wednesday,...
Military weather satellite

US military satellite blew up after a power system temperature spike

At the end of February, a 20-year old US military satellite registered a power system temperature spike and then mysteriously exploded, blasting debris in...

Women like miniature pigs and cats while for men it’s lobsters and alligators

"What are little boys and girls made of..." should read lobsters, alligators and sticklebacks for boys, while for girls miniature pigs, cats, and ponies,...
Two kangaroos

Shy kangaroos stay in large groups, daring ones prefer small groups

Shy or risk-averse female kangaroos prefer to be in larger groups, but have fewer friends, while their bolder counterparts are happy in smaller groups...
Head of goblin shark pic

Alien of the deep Goblin Shark added to Australian Museum collection

If you came across a Goblin Shark you would be forgiven for thinking it was a weird alien species that had come from another...
Giant Galaxy cluster

Young galaxy much more evolved than expected, scientists surprised

A team of European astronomers observed one of the youngest and remotest galaxies ever found, and were surprised at how mature it was. Its...
Cattle and tuberculosis

Mouse gene may protect cattle from bovine TB

Chinese scientists have developed a genetic engineering technique using a mouse gene that makes cattle much more resistant to tuberculosis. They believe their study...
Solar Eclipse

Solar eclipse on March 20, enjoy but watch your eyes, scientists warn

On March 20th there will be a solar eclipse, with the far north of the UK experiencing 98% obscuration (darkness), and 85% in the...