Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Wind energy reduces energy bills, study says

According to data released by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), wind energy reduces energy bills through market competition, refuting claims made by Exelon...

American wind power 4% of national power grid

In 2013, American wind power reached a milestone by topping 4% of the country’s power grid for the first time, according to the American...

US methane emissions underestimated

US methane emissions as well as those from the natural gas industry have been underestimated, including the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) figures, researchers from...

Giant solar thermal power plant opens in California

The Ivanpah solar thermal power plant started operating in the Mojave desert in California on Thursday. The $2.2 billion power-generating plant covers an area of...

Energy insecurity new concerns during cold snap

In spite of its toll on America’s most vulnerable citizens, the problem of energy insecurity is still widely unreported, even as the country experiences...

American scientific leadership shrinking

American scientific leadership has shrunk over the last ten years, as China, South Korea and some other nations raise their innovation capacities and close...
Background with trophy and awards.

What are the top 100…? Behind the rankings

Top 100 reports abound, and behind each one there is a good dose of personal bias and subjective selection. As readers, we have no choice...
wind energy

Wind energy record growth seen at the end of 2013, US

Wind energy record growth was reported for the last quarter of 2013 by the US Wind Industry Fourth Quarter 2013 Market Report. The American wind energy...

Seize reshoring opportunities, David Cameron tells Europeans

Making a success of globalization is a key challenge for business leaders and politicians in Europe. UK Prime Minister David Cameron said at the World...

Chinese exports linked to pollution levels in USA

When Chinese exports to the US and Europe rise, so do levels of pollution that blow across the Pacific Ocean, researchers from the University...