Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

geonhui lee

UofT researchers devise new path for capturing and recycling CO2

Researchers from U of T Engineering have devised a new electrochemical path to transform CO2 into valuable products such as jet fuel or plastics....

Engineers develop patch that can cool or heat a user’s skin on-the-go

A wearable patch that provides personalized cooling and heating on-the-go has been developed by engineers at the University of California San Diego. The team’s work,...

Researchers develop low-cost, sensitive and stretchable microscopic yarn sensor

Smart clothing that can accurately monitor human movement is a step closer to becoming a reality thanks to new research by engineers at UBC...

Laser radio breaks new ground in ultra-fast Wi-Fi

By developing a laser radio, researchers have broken new ground in wireless technology speeds. With further development, the laser radio could move data wirelessly hundreds...

Transportation network companies linked to higher traffic congestion, study finds

According to a recent study, titled ‘Do transportation network companies decrease or increase congestion?’, transportation network companies (TNCs), such as Lyft and Uber, were...
Carbon dioxide emitted from fossil fuel burning

Health benefits of cutting global emissions offsets high costs

The economic cost of cutting global emissions may seem high, however, new research suggests that it may actually be economically sound if you factor...

Graphene can be used to purify water and make it drinkable, study finds

  Researchers have found a way of using graphene to purify water and make it drinkable, without the need for further chlorination. An impressive property of...

Climate change has worsened global economic inequality, Stanford study finds

Global economic inequality has worsened because of climate change, according to a recent study. Stanford University researchers found that temperature changes over the past several...
charging battery

Organic cathode improves stability and energy density for solid-state batteries, study finds

Lithium-ion batteries are currently the most important battery technology. However, they are expensive and contain a flammable liquid - making them hazardous. Solid-state sodium-ion batteries...
renewable energy

Demand for solar panels has pushed up the price of silver

Strong demand for solar panels has pushed up the price of silver, which could make producing solar panels more expensive in the future, according...