Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Adult lamprey and larvae

Blood sucking sea lampreys back in English rivers swimmers beware

Blood sucking sea lampreys have are back in English rivers in alarmingly growing numbers – swimmers going for a bathe are being told to...
Sclerocormus fossil after mass extinction

Life after mass extinction 250m years ago evolved rapidly fossil suggests

There was a mass extinction 250 million years ago which wiped out 96% of all marine life. Scientists have always believed that the early...
Graphene rubber is much stronger

Graphene makes rubber amazingly strong flexible and stretchy

Graphene added to thin rubber films makes them amazingly strong, flexible and stretchy, say members of a scientific team whose research started when they...
Helen Sharman

First Briton in space Helen Sharman celebrates 25th anniversary

Helen Sharman, the first Briton in space, celebrated the 25th anniversary of the event this week at Imperial College London, where she now works...
Dinosaurs had lips

Dinosaurs had lips probably says University of Toronto palaeontologist

Dinosaurs had lips, probably, says a University of Toronto palaeontologist, who believes that theropods may have looked different from what we have been led...
Fish Migration Hexham fish pass

Improving fish migration thousands of miles of rivers in England opened up

Thousands of miles of rivers in England have been opened up to improve fish migration, the Environment Agency announced on Fish Migration Day 2016...
red and yellow beaks zebra finches

Red colour on birds means they are healthy and good at detox

The red colour on birds is probably also a signal that they are healthy and good at detox – getting rid of toxins (poisons)...

RoboBees tiny robots fly and use static electricity stick to surfaces

Tiny little robots called RoboBees can fly, land and stick to surfaces by using static electricity – by being able to perch they can...
UFO Turkey

UFO with green lights flies over airliner Turkish pilots report

What looked like a UFO with a row of green lights flew over an airliner near Istanbul, a crew of Turkish pilots reported. According...
Hypersonic Air Travel

Sydney to London hypersonic flight of 2 hours one step closer

Hypersonic flight that would cut a Sydney to London or London to New York trip to 2 hours and 35 minutes respectively is one...