Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Aliens more likely in Globular Clusters

Aliens most likely exist in globular clusters says Harvard scientist

If aliens do exist, they are more likely to live in a globular cluster, says Dr. Rosanne Di Stefano, who works at the Harvard-Smithsonian...
CERN Homophobia rears ugly head

Homophobia raises its ugly head again at CERN laboratory in Geneva

Homophobia has raised its ugly head again at CERN’s laboratory in Geneva, says LGBT CERN, which reported that several of its posters have been...
Watching paint dry is fun say researchers

Watching paint dry never been so exciting say scientists from UK and France

Watching paint dry has never been so exciting, say scientists from the UK and France, who claim that the activity we often describe as...
Peake and Blumenthal

Dinners in Space Tim Peake challenges Blumenthal to create British dishes

Before lifting off into space, British astronaut Major Tim Peake challenged celebrity chef Heston Blumenthal to create dishes to eat during his six-month mission...
Earth Hour Big Ben and Parliament dark

Earth Hour celebrated across the world lights out for one hour

Earth Hour 2016 was celebrated across the world on 19th March from 8.30pm to 9.30pm. The event, organised by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF),...
UFO Fleet

Fleet of UFOs photographed flying above The Shard in London

A fleet of UFOs was photographed last December by somebody who had been walking around the area of London's tallest building - The Shard...
Two comets doing flyby in March 2016

Two comets flying super close to Earth next week

Two comets will be flying super close to Earth next week – astronomically speaking, they will miss our planet by just a whisker. However,...
Small Birds Fast Vision Blue Tit

Small birds have vision twice as fast as ours they beat all vertebrates

Small birds have incredibly fast vision, faster than any other vertebrates and over twice the speed than that of humans, a team of Swedish...
Iron age cemetery and settlement at housing project site

Iron Age cemetery 2500 years old discovered in Yorkshire by builder

An Iron Age cemetery, 2500 years old, was discovered by builders who were working on a David Wilson Homes development in Pocklington, a small...
Watching paint dry and coming out on top

Weird stuff happens when you watch paint dry say British and French scientists

Weird stuff happens when you watch paint dry, says a team of British and French scientists, who have given a new meaning to the...