Space music not from Earth shocked Apollo astronauts NASA kept quiet
Space music not from Earth shocked three astronauts on the Apollo 10 mission in 1969 when they were orbiting the Moon on the far...
5D black hole breaks down theory of relativity by Einstein say physicists
A 5D black hole simulation breaks down the theory of relativity by Einstein, that is, if five dimensions exist in our Universe, say theoretical...
11th century town Dunwich destroyed by storms say scientists
Dunwich was England’s 10th largest town in the 11th century – most of it no longer exists thanks to a series of storms which...
Huge ocean fractured surface of Charon a moon orbiting Pluto
Charon, the largest of Pluto’s five moons, once had a huge underground liquid ocean that froze and expanded, thus fracturing its surface, say NASA’s...
Weird music heard by Apollo 10 crew on far side of Moon emerged recordings...
Weird music was heard by Apollo 10 astronauts who were in orbit on the far side Moon in 1969, emerged recordings which had been...
UFO shaped like flying saucer seen and photographed in Devon
A man saw a UFO shaped like a flying saucer in the skies of Devon, England, and photographed it. Insisting it was some kind...
5D black hole would break down general relativity we would need a new theory
A 5D black hole would break down general relativity and we would need a new theory to explain everything about the Universe, assuming of...
Bat micro drone wings super agile in the air and have long range too
The bat micro drone wings are both super agile in the air and also have the long range that fixed-wing micro air vehicles have....
Polar bears to be bred in Scotland
Polar bears are to be bred at a wildlife park in Scotland. A male polar bear called Arktos will be moved one mile to...
Fancy nest boxes downright dangerous for breeding birds, warns RSPB
Several fancy nest boxes are downright dangerous for breeding birds and their fledglings, warns the RSPB, such as those shaped like farmhouses, eggs, caravans...