Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Deep learning techniques boost understanding of climate and Earth systems

German scientists showed that deep learning techniques could significantly improve our understanding of Earth systems and climate. Deep learning's potential has so far been...
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Flags that generate wind and solar energy developed by researchers

Scientists have developed flags that generate wind and solar energy. They created the energy-harvesting flags using flexible photovoltaic cells and flexible piezoelectric strips. With piezoelectric...

Using AI to facilitate deep elastic strain engineering

A team of researchers is using AI to facilitate deep elastic strain engineering. In other words, to engineer materials' properties. Specifically, to change the...
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Perceptions play key role in how local populations feel about wind energy

If local populations feel the planning process for building a wind farm is fair and open, their perceptions of the renewable energy source either...

Capturing CO2 from wood-burning underway at UK’s Drax Power Station

The UK’s biggest renewable power generator, Drax Power Station, has begun a world-first trial of capturing carbon dioxide from wood-burning at its North Yorkshire...
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Deep learning applied to genome identifies unknown human ancestor

When researchers combined deep learning algorithms and statistical methods, they identified an unknown human ancestor. They identified the footprint of a new hominid that...

SSE cuts earnings outlook as customer numbers drop

SSE has cut its earnings outlook for 2018/19 and reported a significant drop in customer numbers.  The “big six” energy giant,  headquartered in Perth, Scotland, said...
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In 2018, Europe installed 2.6 GW of new offshore wind energy capacity

According to a new report by WindEurope, Europe installed 2.6 GW of new wind energy capacity offshore in 2018. In 2018, Europe's wind energy...
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Are products containing graphene safe for humans and the environment?

Researchers say that graphene is one of the most interesting and versatile substances they have ever seen. Its potential applications could revolutionize many sectors...

Google’s new Chrome extension tells you when your passwords are insecure

Google has released a new Chrome browser extension called “Password Checkup” that automatically tells you when your passwords have been compromised. The new plugin runs...