Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Mother walking with kids photographs UFO

Spectacular photo of flying saucer shaped UFO captured by walker

A spectacular photo of a flying saucer shaped UFO was captured by Fiona Powel while on a family walk with her kids. As we...

Doomed Welsh village to be abandoned because sea is rising

The doomed Welsh village of Fairbourne in Cardigan Bay is to be abandoned to the sea after authorities decided it is not worth saving...
Gold found in Millport beach in Cumbrae Scotland

Gold found in rocks in Great Cumbrae but no Scottish gold rush scientists say

Does the discovery of gold in rocks on the beach at Millport, a holiday resort on the Isle of Great Cumbrae, mean Scotland is...
water shortage is a problem that will just get worse

Four billion people face water shortage in a drying world

We live in a drying world, and more than four billion people face a water shortage, that’s more than half our planet’s population, say...
Ozone hole from ozone depletion in Arctic

Deep ozone hole to open in spring over Arctic may drift to Europe

An abnormally deep ozone hole may open up this spring over the Arctic and drift into central Europe, following an extremely cold spell in...
Stephen Hawking saying that he was right

I was right says Hawking following gravitational waves discovery

Eminent theoretical physicists Professor Stephen Hawking says 'I was right ' following the discovery of gravitational waves that was announced on Thursday, 11th February,...
Gravitational waves Einstein was right

Gravitational waves detected Einstein was right scientists overjoyed

Gravitational waves have been detected for the first time, overjoyed scientists have announced, confirming something Albert Einstein had predicted one hundred years ago. In...
UFO sighting in Argentina scares family

UFO sighting in Argentina sent panicked family sprinting to their car

A UFO sighting in Argentina sent a panicked family, who claim it was a flying saucer just fifty metres away, sprinting to their car....
Dead whales had high levels of mercury and cadmium

Stranded whales had toxic levels of mercury in their bodies, scientists found

Stranded long-finned pilot whales had toxic levels of mercury in their bodies, scientists from the University of Aberdeen and the Scottish Marine Animal Stranding...
Spider beats snake and devours it

Spider beats snake and then devours it in David and Goliath moment

Have you ever seen a spider beat a snake and then devour it for dinner in a David and Goliath moment? That is exactly...