Technology / Media

AIEd article thumbnail

What is the potential of AIEd (AI in education)?

What is the potential of AIEd, i.e., AI tools in colleges and school? How can we maximize the benefits of AI and minimize the...

Huawei Chairman says Trump is right, the US is lagging behind in 5G tech

Huawei Chairman Guo Ping said he agrees with comments recently made by President Donald Trump on how the US is lagging behind other countries...
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Dental 3D printing is now big business

Dental 3D printing, i.e., using 3D printers to make things for dentists, is a reality today. Dental 3D printing has entered dentistry in a...
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Gas pockets cause 3D printing defects, researchers can predict them

A team of researchers has identified tiny gas pockets that cause serious 3D-printing problems. They have also created a methodology to predict the formation...
Willingness to use an algorithm article - thumbnail

People’s willingness to use AI when choosing which job to take

AI is revolutionizing how people do business today. It can help companies improve their decision-making, given that employees are willing to adopt algorithms when...
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Developing a graphene water filtration system

Lifesaver and the National Graphene Institute have signed an 18-month research project to develop a graphene water filtration system. The National Graphene Institute is at...
Southampton University AI doctoral programmes - thumbnail

University of Southampton receives share of £100M investment for AI research

The University of Southampton has received an investment of £100M from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). The investment will place Southampton at the forefront of...
1123 Graphene

Graphene-based nanoelectronics breakthrough

Researchers from Denmark and Japan have achieved a breakthrough in graphene-based nanoelectronics. They have solved one of the major challenges that baffled scientists. The researchers...
Solar-powered prosthetics article - thumbnail

Solar-powered prosthetics for amputees a real possibility

Solar-powered prosthetics for amputees are becoming a real possibility thanks to a breakthrough in energy storage technology. The new technology could pave the way...
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AI may help pinpoint and foil online dating scams

Dating websites and apps could be using computing algorithms soon to help pinpoint online dating scams. In other words, dating apps and websites may...