Artificial Intelligence

News on developments in artificial intelligence and its use in global industries.

Fairy tales should be told to smart robots so that they do not do us harm one day

Fairy tales teach smart robots not to harm us and to be nice

If you want a super smart robot not to harm us and to be nice you should consider telling it fairy tales, just like...
Robots will bring mega global unemployment

Robots will bring mega global unemployment with potentially dire consequences

Imagine a world full of smart robots that can do any job a human can – there would be mega global unemployment with potentially...
AlphaGo Google DeepMind

Artificial Intelligence AlphaGo stunned experts won at toughest game ever

An artificial intelligence called AlphaGo stunned experts when it won against a grand master five consecutive times in the toughest game in the world....
Google Artificial intelligence AlphGo wins at game of Go

Google artificial intelligence beat human grand master at Go

A Google artificial intelligence called AlphaGo beat a human grand master at the demanding game of Go - a game of profound complexity which...
Artificial Intelligence grant received by Harvard

Imagine an artificial Intelligence as fast as human brain say Harvard scientists

Your task is to create an artificial intelligence which is as fast as the human brain, the US Federal Government told Harvard University when...

Apple acquires AI startup ‘Emotient’ capable of reading human emotions

Apple Inc. has acquired Emotient, an artificial intelligence startup with software capable of reading human emotions using facial recognition technology. Apple confirmed the acquisition on...
Nadine the socially intelligent robot is friendly and nice

Socially intelligent robot is friendly and remembers all your nice chats with her

Nadine is a socially intelligent robot who is friendly, greets you back, makes eye contact, and remembers all the nice chats you had with...
elon musk

Elon Musk backs non-profit AI research company ‘OpenAI’, raises $1 billion

Elon Musk and Sam Altman are backing a new non-profit artificial intelligence research company called OpenAI. "Our goal is to advance digital intelligence in the...
Foundation for Responsible Robotics announced

Robots pose potential dangers and benefits for humans, say experts

Robots could improve the quality of life of millions of people worldwide, but they could also become more intelligent than humans and one day...
Artificial intelligence good or bad for us

Artificial intelligence centre launched by the University of Cambridge

An artificial intelligence centre is being launched by the University of Cambridge to explore the challenges and opportunities to humanity, thanks to a generous...