Artificial Intelligence

News on developments in artificial intelligence and its use in global industries.

3D athlete tracking technology thumbnail

Intel and Alibaba developing AI-powered 3D Athlete Tracking tech

Intel and Alibaba are teaming up to create a new AI-powered 3D athlete tracking technology. They expect the technology will be ready for the...
Resurrection using AI

Greenlight launches Crucible – AI simulations for coaching startups

Greenlight Inc, a business coaching firm, is launching a new Artificial Intelligence simulator to train founders of startups. The AI, which the company has...
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Advances in artificial intelligence threaten privacy of health data

Researchers warn that current laws and regulations regarding artificial intelligence leave individuals' health data vulnerable to misuse. In other words, they do not safeguard...
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Are artificial intelligence and machine learning all talk and no action?

Even though there is plenty of awareness regarding the benefits of artificial intelligence and machine learning, implementation lags far behind. In the United States,...
Living with machines - historical sources

Using artificial intelligence to analyze historical sources

Researchers at Queen Mary University of London will use artificial intelligence to analyze historical sources. They will be working with researchers from the British...
fingerprint recognition on smartphone

Fingerprint recognition could be vulnerable to AI attack

Device manufacturers need to get smarter about security systems that rely on fingerprint recognition. The systems could be vulnerable to attack by artificial intelligence...
5G mobile network image thumbnail

Next generation 5G mobile network may improve road safety

Finnish researchers say that the next generation 5G mobile network may improve road safety. By using fast data transmission solutions, we'll be able to...
Caregiving robot image for article

Future caregiving robots will adapt to the elderly person’s culture

Caregiving robots in the future will assist the elderly while adapting to their culture. Roboticists are testing prototype caregiving robots in retirement homes within...
The Robot Age - World Economic Forum Report

The robot age will take away but also create human jobs

The robot age will take away millions of human jobs. However, it will also create millions of new jobs, says the World Economic Forum's...
Synaptic device tries to mimic what synapse and neuron does

Artificial synaptic device simulates human brain function

Researchers have successfully developed an artificial synaptic device that simulates human brain function. Specifically, the function of neurons and synapses in the human brain....