

Very low inflation may delay spending, Draghi warns

Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank (ECB), warned that expectations of extremely low inflation, or even deflation could encourage Eurozone businesses and...

Manchester United’s brand value down 98 million dollars

After a very bad football season, Manchester United’s brand value slid $98 million, from $837 million in 2013 to $739 in 2014, says consultancy...

Russia too reliant on Western imports, says Putin

Vladimir Putin, Russia’s President, announced the launch of a fund aimed at boosting domestic production and reducing the country’s dependence on Western imports. Russia...

S&P raised Spain’s rating to BBB

S&P raised Spain’s rating to BBB from BBB- after the country showed signs of faster economic growth and fiscal consolidation. The outlook for the...

Canadian inflation reached 2 percent in April

Canadian inflation reached 2 percent (annualized) in April, after the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose by 1.5% in March. Canada’s April CPI was the...

UK manufacturing outlook strong in May

UK manufacturing outlook for May remained solid, with output forecast to increase strongly in the next few months, according to the latest CBI Industrial...

Chinese economic outlook improved, but still weaker than in 2013

The Chinese economic outlook improved in April, with The Conference Board Leading Economic Index (LEI) rising by +0.9%, after a +1.1% increase in March...

US economic outlook improves

The US economic outlook continued to improve in April as The Conference Board Leading Economic Index (LEI) rose +0.4%, compared to a +1% increase...

Eurozone steady growth in May

Eurozone steady growth was reported for the month of May, according to the Markit Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI), which slid to 53.9 from 54...

Burberry announced record profits and revenue

Burberry announced record profits and revenue for the year ending on March 31st. Pre-tax profits were £461 million ($778 million), an 8% increase over...