Editor's Choice

Alving submersible and colony of microbes - thumbnail

Deep-sea microbes consume greenhouse gasses and maybe also oil spills

Scientists have discovered new types of deep-sea microbes which gobble up greenhouse gases as energy sources. These nearly two dozen types of microbes might...
Financial Meltdown article - thumbnail

Giant financial meltdown expected in about a decade

A team of Polish researchers warns that a giant financial meltdown will probably occur in about a decade. Their multifractal analyses of the main...
Checklist thumbnail

Checklist helps determine whether employee training is effective

A new checklist can help trainers and managers determine whether employee training has been effective. Businesses and other organizations spend billions of dollars annually...
Coping with unexpected financial expenses

Over one-third of people in EU can’t face unexpected financial expenses

Thirty-nine percent of all the people in the European Union could not face unexpected financial expenses in 2017. Latvia, at 59.9%, had the highest...
Truffle Industry and climate change thumbnail

Truffle industry will vanish because of climate change – prediction

The European truffle industry will probably disappear by the end of this century thanks to climate change, two researchers predict. A drier and warmer...
Electronic glove article thumbnail

Robots will have sense of touch thanks to electronic glove

A new electronic glove with sensors may one day give robots the sense of touch. It is thanks to our sense of touch that...
See-through film thumbnail

See-through film blocks 70% of solar heat that comes in through windows

A see-through film that blocks seventy percent of incoming solar heat could save on air-conditioning costs, say researchers. By coating windows with the see-through...
Battery life thumbnail

Scientists lengthen smartphone battery life by up to 60%

Scientists have developed a way to dramatically lengthen the battery life of mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones. They have done this by...
Autonomous vehicles - urban tourism

Future of urban tourism could be shaped by autonomous vehicles

Researchers have carried out a study on how AVs may affect the future of urban tourism. The letters 'AVs' stand for 'autonomous vehicles.' Urban...
Virtual and augemented reality thumbnail

Virtual and augmented reality – 7 industries face drastic disruption

Virtual and augmented reality is expected to have potential applications in several business sectors as technologies leap forward. Economists at TUM carried out a...