A Robot is a machine, usually one that engineers can program, that is capable of carrying out a series of actions. In most cases, they are a series of complex actions that robots carry out automatically.
The term, in computing, also may refer to a ‘crawler.’ This is a program that systematically browses through the World Wide Web as it creates an index of data.
In science fiction
In science fiction, a robot is a machine with artificial intelligence that resembles a human being. Artificial intelligence refers to software technologies that make devices think and behave like human beings.
When referring to a person
If we use the term to describe a person, it means that we think they behave in an unemotional and mechanical manner. If somebody says “I am not a robot,” they are trying to say that they have feelings.
Two definitions
Merriam-Webster has the following definitions of the word robot:
“1. A machine that resembles a living creature in being capable of moving independently (as by walking or rolling on wheels) and performing complex actions (such as grasping and moving objects), often, such a machine built to resemble a human being or animal in appearance and behavior.”
“2. A device that automatically performs complicated, often repetitive tasks (as in an industrial assembly line). 3. a person who resembles a machine in seeming to function automatically or in lacking normal feelings or emotions.”

Etymology of ‘robot’
Etymology is the study of where words came from. It is also a study of how the meanings of words have evolved or changed.
‘Robot’ is a fairly new term in the English language. It did not emerge until 1923, from the English translation of the 1920 play ‘Rossum’s Universal Robots’ or ‘R.U.R.’ by Karel Čapek (1890-1938). Čapek was a Czech writer who became famous for his science fiction stories.
The term comes from the Czech word ‘Robotnick,’ which means ‘forced worker.’ It came from Robota, which means ‘drudgery, forced labor, compulsory service.’
Robot – types
Internal/external controls
A robot is a device or machine. It is a machine that a computer has programmed. Robots may have an internal or external control device which guides them.
Humanoid robots
Some robots are ‘humanoid.’ In other words, they have two arms, two legs, a torso, and a head, just like humans do.
However, most robots do not look like humans. Engineers designed them to perform specific tasks with no regard to their appearance.

A robot may also be a virtual software agent. In such cases, we call it a ‘bot.’ Bots, internet bots, or web robots are software applications that run scripts over the Internet. The word ‘scrips,’ in this context, means automated tasks.
In most cases, bots perform simple and structurally repetitive tasks. They work at a much faster rate than we can on our own.
Web crawlers are bots. Web crawlers fetch, analyze, and file data from web servers. They do this many thousands of times faster than a human can.
In an Imperva Incapsula article, Igal Zeifman writes that bots represent more than half of all web traffic.
Some experts say that bots today steal many online advertising budgets.
Mobile robot
A mobile robot can move around in its environment. In other words, it is not stuck in one physical location.
AGVs, for example, are mobile robots. AGV stands for Automatic (automated) Guided Vehicle. AGVs follow wires or markers in the ground. Some of them, on the other hand, use lasers or vision.
Mobile robots today exists in military, security, and industrial environments. People also buy them as consumer products which perform certain tasks such as vacuum cleaning.
Advancements in robotics and AI have extended their application to disaster relief operations, where they navigate treacherous environments, saving lives without risking human rescuers.
Mobile robot research is a fascinating and rapidly-growing field. Nearly every major university has at least one lab that focuses on mobile robot research.

Robots and artificial intelligence are gradually replacing human workers in factories and offices. We call the process of replacing humans with clever machines ‘automation.’
Automation boosts efficiency and increases productivity. In other words, workers’ production per hour increases thanks to automation.
Many economists and sociologists today worry that automation will become so advanced that human labor will be superfluous. If nearly everybody became unemployed, what would society be like?
Beyond practical applications, robots equipped with AI are also exploring the realms of creativity, participating in fields such as art and music composition, challenging the traditional boundaries between human and machine ingenuity.

Derivatives of “robot”
There are many derivatives of the word “robot.” Let’s take a look at them, their meanings, and how we can use them in a sentence:
Robot (noun)
A machine capable of carrying out complex actions automatically.
Example: “The factory floor was bustling with the latest models of robots.”
Robotics (noun)
The branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots.
Example: “She’s studying robotics at the university and hopes to specialize in artificial intelligence.”
Robotic (adjective)
Relating to or characteristic of robots.
Example: “The robotic arm is a crucial component of the spacecraft’s repair system.”
Roboticist (noun)
An engineer or scientist who designs and builds robots.
Example: “The leading roboticist was awarded for her contributions to medical robotic technology.”
Roboticize (verb)
To equip with or convert to automation and robotic devices.
Example: “The company plans to roboticize its entire packaging process to increase efficiency.”
Robotically (adverb)
In a manner resembling a robot, either in movement or lack of emotion.
Example: “The soldiers marched robotically, keeping perfect time and formation.”
Roboticization (noun)
The process of converting something to be automated or robot-operated.
Example: “The roboticization of the automotive industry has led to significant increases in production.”
Robotsmith (noun)
A person skilled in creating and repairing robots.
Example: “In the not-too-distant future, a robotsmith might be as commonplace as a mechanic.”
Robotdom (noun)
The domain or sphere of robots or robotics.
Example: “He imagined a future dominated by robotdom, where machines took care of all our needs.”
Roboteer (noun)
A person who operates or uses robots, especially in competitions.
Example: “As a seasoned roboteer, Jenna designed her robots to navigate complex obstacle courses.”
Three Videos
These three YouTube videos come from our sister channel, Marketing Business Network or MBN. They explain what the terms “Robot”, “Automation”, and “Artificial Intelligence (AI)” mean using easy-to-understand language and examples:
What is a Robot?
What is Automation?
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?