
18:49 GMT, November 5, 2020

Should You Hire A Lawyer For Wrongful Dismissal In Toronto?

As an employee, losing an opportunity to earn a living as a result of a wrongful dismissal can be very devastating. In most cases, being dismissed […]
17:31 GMT, November 3, 2020

How Law Firms Can Improve Their Online Visibility

Did you know that 35% of all private practice attorneys get their clients through social media? Perhaps more surprising is that over 80% of prospects conduct […]
16:01 GMT, November 3, 2020

What You Need to Know About Premises Liability Lawsuits

Employees and customers alike have the right to feel safe when entering any business premises. When companies fail to meet this obligation, often due to negligence, […]
15:12 GMT, November 3, 2020

Everything You Need to Know About Bail Bonds

You’ve probably heard this sentence many times: “bail bond has been set at $20,000”, or any number along those lines. We’ve heard so much about it […]
14:59 GMT, November 3, 2020

5 Top Steps to Protect Your Business from a Personal Injury Lawsuit

What does your business stand to lose in a personal injury lawsuit? Perhaps more than you think. Aside from legal fees and time squandered defending your […]