
Octopus squid and cuttlefish thriving in warmer waters

Squid octopus and cuttlefish populations rise along with sea temperatures

As sea temperatures rise so do squid, octopus and cuttlefish populations - they are one of the few species that appear to be thriving...
Adult lamprey and larvae

Blood sucking sea lampreys back in English rivers swimmers beware

Blood sucking sea lampreys have are back in English rivers in alarmingly growing numbers – swimmers going for a bathe are being told to...
Sclerocormus fossil after mass extinction

Life after mass extinction 250m years ago evolved rapidly fossil suggests

There was a mass extinction 250 million years ago which wiped out 96% of all marine life. Scientists have always believed that the early...
Graphene rubber is much stronger

Graphene makes rubber amazingly strong flexible and stretchy

Graphene added to thin rubber films makes them amazingly strong, flexible and stretchy, say members of a scientific team whose research started when they...
George Osborne

Osborne warns that a Brexit could cause a year-long recession

George Osborne warned that if the UK votes to leave the European Union the economy could enter a year-long recession. A new analysis by...

Fire at world’s largest solar power plant leaves facility operating at a third of...

Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System, the largest solar power plant in the world, caught fire on May 19, leaving the California-based facility operating at...

Governor of the Bank of Japan says Brexit is one of the most serious...

The governor of the Bank of Japan warned that a Brexit is one of the most serious risks facing the global economy. Haruhiko Kuroda...
Helen Sharman

First Briton in space Helen Sharman celebrates 25th anniversary

Helen Sharman, the first Briton in space, celebrated the 25th anniversary of the event this week at Imperial College London, where she now works...
Dinosaurs had lips

Dinosaurs had lips probably says University of Toronto palaeontologist

Dinosaurs had lips, probably, says a University of Toronto palaeontologist, who believes that theropods may have looked different from what we have been led...
Fish Migration Hexham fish pass

Improving fish migration thousands of miles of rivers in England opened up

Thousands of miles of rivers in England have been opened up to improve fish migration, the Environment Agency announced on Fish Migration Day 2016...