
Stone coffin 2

Body found at Richard III excavation was an elderly woman

Within the mysterious lead coffin at the former hastily-dug grave of King Richard III was an elderly woman, probably of high socioeconomic or religious...
Purchasing Managers Index

British manufacturing growth will continue into 2015, says industry report

Manufacturers in the UK have had an upbeat start to 2015, according to a survey published by manufacturers’ organisation EEF and law firm DLA...

Dogs helped modern humans beat Neanderthals 40000 years ago

Dogs bred from wolves helped modern humans vanquish local Neanderthals 40,000 years ago from Europe, says Professor Pat Shipman, an anthropologist from Penn State,...
North Sea Oil

Brown calling for public sector investment to save the North Sea oil industry

Gordon Brown will be calling for the public and private sector to save the North Sea oil industry in one of his last major...

Samsung launching Samsung Pay mobile payments system to compete with Apple Pay

Samsung is launching a service during the second half of 2015 to let users pay for goods using their smartphone. The service, called "Samsung Pay",...

Ikea launching furniture with wireless phone charging

Ikea, the Swedish retailer that sells ready-to-assemble furniture, announced that it will be launching a range of products (from desks to lamps) capable of...
Ross sea and penguins

Emperor penguins survived last ice age in the Ross Sea

In the last ice age, only three populations of emperor penguins are thought to have survived, one of them in the Ross Sea in...
Vladimir Putin

Russia today is a threat, let’s not deceive ourselves, says ex-MI6 boss

Russia has become a “state-to-state threat” and is not on a path to democracy, we should not deceive ourselves, says former MI6 chief Sir...
Eclipse filter

Solar eclipse across whole of UK on March 20th, and continental Europe

The UK will see a solar eclipse with obscuration (darkness) ranging from 97% in the north to 85% in the south. The Moon will...

Another Tory defection to UKIP possible, Farage hints

Nigel Farage, leader of UKIP, says there is still a good chance another Conservative MP could defect to his anti-EU and anti-immigration party before...