
Daimler - artificial intelligence thumbnail

Artificial intelligence is an important tool for Daimler

For nearly two years, Steven Peters has been building up an AI research team at Daimler AG. Daimler, a German automotive multinational, owns the...
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Graphite tailings may become a cement replacement, says Zenyatta

Zenyatta Ventures Ltd has been performing studies to determine whether graphite tailings could become a cement replacement. Study leader, Dr. Ahmad Rteil at the University...

AI technology can identify genetic disorders by looking at someone’s face

A new AI technology can accurately identify rare genetic disorders by analyzing the shape of someone’s face, according to a recent study published in...
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How will AI change hiring?

Will AI change hiring? Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Stanford School of Business Studies, Adina Sterling, thinks it will. However, employers are...
Solar Panel users to get payments in UK

Energy companies will pay solar panel users for excess power, UK

If you are a solar panel user, you will receive a guaranteed payment for excess electricity generation. However, there will be a period during...
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Floating PV systems could generate 10% of US electricity

By installing floating PV systems on over 24,000 artificial reservoirs, the US could generate approximately 10% of its annual electricity generation. This is what...
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Desalination using solar energy – new low-cost technology

Italian scientists are promoting a new desalination technology that uses solar energy alone. This low-cost technology could solve the drinking water shortage that many...
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Intel and Alibaba developing AI-powered 3D Athlete Tracking tech

Intel and Alibaba are teaming up to create a new AI-powered 3D athlete tracking technology. They expect the technology will be ready for the...
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Wind and solar power could replace coal in Texas

A Rice University study on the rapidly-growing role of wind and solar power in Texas has attracted widespread attention. John B. Billingsley Jr., founder...
Resurrection using AI

Greenlight launches Crucible – AI simulations for coaching startups

Greenlight Inc, a business coaching firm, is launching a new Artificial Intelligence simulator to train founders of startups. The AI, which the company has...