
Joint Bank Accounts thumbnail

People with joint bank accounts spend more responsibly

People spend money from joint bank accounts more responsibly than money in separate, individual accounts. If your partner discovers an opportunity to spend money wastefully,...
Steven Mnuchin thumbnail

Steven Mnuchin scares investors by answering a question nobody asked

Imagine your doctor's name is Steven Mnuchin. You see him because you have a slight fever, swollen glands, a sore throat, and a runny...
Sustainable plastics - thumbnail

Sustainable plastics that are biodegradable and recycle into organic waste created

Researchers describe a process to make norbornene sustainable plastics – bioplastic polymers that don’t need fresh water or land. Fresh water and land are...
Living with machines - historical sources

Using artificial intelligence to analyze historical sources

Researchers at Queen Mary University of London will use artificial intelligence to analyze historical sources. They will be working with researchers from the British...
Risk of an uprising - thumbnail

Is the US on the verge of a mass uprising?

With so much anger, unfairness, and frustration felt by large sections of the US public, is the country on the verge of a mass...
Gatwick Airport Drones thumbnail

Gatwick Airport drones – two people arrested for ‘criminal use’

The police say they have arrested two people in connection with the use of drones at Gatwick airport. They described the use of drones...

Houseplant that cleans the air in our homes developed by researchers

Researchers have developed a houseplant that can clean the air in our homes. This houseplant rids the air of some molecules that even HEPA...
GSK Pfizer consumer healthcare joint venture thumbnail

GlaxoSmithKline plc and Pfizer Inc to form consumer healthcare joint venture

GlaxoSmithKline plc and Pfizer Inc have reached an agreement to combine both their consumer health businesses. The two companies will form a new 'world-leading...
Cars on foot and cycling

Can we switch from cars to walking or cycling?

Is it possible for us to switch from cars to cycling or walking? Up to forty percent of our car trips are short, say researchers...

Over half of Britons want another EU referendum

Over half of all Britons want another EU referendum. This time, the electorate would have to consider three options: - Remain, i.e., stay in the...