Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Galaxy M82

Universe expanding more slowly than previously thought, scientists suggest

The findings of two recent studies indicate that the acceleration of our Universe’s expansion since the Big Bang may not be as fast as...

New Tibetan macaque species has unique penis shape

A new macaque species has been discovered in the Modog state of southeastern Tibet, which has a round-shaped penis, unlike its other macaque cousins...
oil find

Giant oil find in Surrey triggers environmentalist response

A report that under the land at Horse Hill, near Gatwick in Surrey, there could be up to 100 billion barrels of oil, has triggered...
Mosasaur giving birth

Giant mosasaurs gave birth in open ocean 65 million years ago

Mosasaurs, giant 50-foot-long marine lizards, gave birth in the open ocean 65 million years ago, and not near or on the shore, researchers from...
Earthquake early warning

Smartphones as earthquake early-warning devices possible, say researchers

Smartphones could be used as early-warning systems for major earthquakes, as well as other personal electronic devices, scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey said....
White cheeked macaque

New monkey species with round and not arrow shaped penis found

A new macaque monkey species with a round rather than arrow-shaped penis has been discovered by Chinese scientists in the state of Modog, in...
Cambridge University

Microscopic microchip antennas possible thanks to electromagnetism breakthrough

Tiny antennas that would fit on computer chips will be possible thanks to a major breakthrough in electromagnetism technology, say University of Cambridge scientists...
Aurora supercomputer

Intel to produce mega-powerful computer for US Department of Energy

Intel Corporations’ subsidiary Intel Federal LLC has been awarded a contract by the US Department of Energy’s Argonne Leadership Computing Facility to deliver two...
CVD Graphene

Graphene offers huge potential for future spintronic devices

Large area graphene can preserve electron spin over an extended period, and communicate it over much greater distances than scientists had previously believed possible....
Grey seal adult

Watch out for predatory flesh-eating seals, British swimmers warned

Seals off the coast of Britain appear to have developed a taste for larger live animals, after a series of grisly videos showed them...