Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Limpet Teeth

Limpet teeth strong enough to build planes, boats and racing cars

Limpet teeth are so strong they could be used to build airplanes, boats and even Formula 1 racing cars, say scientists. Limpet teeth are...
Ocean Acidification

Acidification of oceans to be monitored from space satellites

The way climate scientists and marine biologists study the ocean is set to revolutionise with new techniques that use satellites to monitor our seas,...

New electron microscope SuperSTEM 3 is 100 times better than existing devices

A new, extremely powerful electron microscope that is 100 times better than any other device found at British universities can examine objects one million...
red dwarf

A red dwarf passed through our Solar System 70,000 years ago

A red dwarf passed through our Solar System just 70,000 years ago, researchers from Europe, US, South Africa and Chile reported. The old star...
mother with baby

Parental caring is lopsided in most animals due to evolution

Why is caring for young so lopsided among the sexes in most of the animal kingdom, including humans? According to British and German researchers,...
Gargantua Interstellar

Interstellar movie visual effects technology discovers new black hole effects

New insights into the powerful effects of black holes have been provided by the technology used by the visual effects team involved in making...

Why emigrate to Mars and leave the comforts of Earth forever?

What motivates people to leave Earth, a planet they are genetically designed to live in, to settle down forever in the harsh environment of...

Australia should follow UK leaders’ climate change pledge, says Nobel Laureate

Australia’s political parties should follow the UK’s example by pledging to jointly combat climate change, says Professor Brian Schmidt, who was awarded the Nobel...
Teeth of a limpet

Limpet teeth are so strong they could be used for making airplanes, boats and...

Limpet teeth are probably the strongest natural material on Earth, and not spider silk, researchers from the University of Portsmouth reported in the Royal...
Milky Way

Wonderful Milky Way photos taken by Devon photographer

Lloyd W.A. Cosway, a British amateur photographer, took some spectacular photographs of the Milky Way over Dartmoor, an area of moorland in south Devon...