Huge monitor lizard hangs onto front door trying to break into house
What would you do if you saw a huge monitor lizard hanging onto your front door, trying to break into your house? This is...
Tim Peake has weaker muscles bones and immune system but will recover
Tim Peake, the British astronaut who has just returned from six months in space, today has weaker muscles, bones and immune system than he...
Giant Martian worm proof of alien life say extraterrestrial enthusiasts
There is a giant Martian worm that burrows into the Red Planet’s soil, says a group of alien life enthusiasts who compared two NASA...
Using laws of physics to beat ISIS terrorists and stop them growing
The laws of physics can be used to study how ISIS terrorist support groups expand online, how terrorist behave, and create roadmaps to their...
Incredible giant spider crab horde filmed off the coast of Melbourne
An incredible giant spider crab horde was videoed off the coast of Melbourne in Australia as the animals migrated to Australia’s southern shores. We...
Contact with aliens will happen but 1500 years from now scientists forecast
The good news is that contact with aliens will happen, the bad news, however, is that it will not happen until about 1500 years’...
Oldest analogue computer 2000 years old predicted future
The oldest analogue computer, an astronomical calculator that is over 2000 years old – dating back to 60 BC Ancient Greece – was most...
Bigfoot skull on Mars detected in NASA image
A Bigfoot skull has been detected in an image captured by the Curiosity Rover, a NASA robotic vehicle that is exploring Gale Crater on...
Cats could have hunting instinct genetically removed says feline expert
Cats could lose their hunting instinct thanks to genetic engineering, says a feline expert, who predicts that soon the sight of your Burmese, Siamese,...
Dust storm patterns detected by NASA Mars orbiters
A dust storm pattern has been detected by NASA Mars orbiters – scientists said that a pattern of three big regional storms occurs with...