Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Harbour Porpoises

Porpoises are master hunters catching ninety percent of prey they pursue

Harbour porpoises are master hunters, they catch about ninety percent of all the prey they pursue, says a team of scientists from Scotland, Germany...
North Pole Mars

Mars has ice ages and is emerging from one now

Mars has ice ages just like Earth does, and is emerging from one now. After studying radar measurements of the Red Planet's polar ice...
A wall in a cave made by Neanderthals 175000 years ago

Neanderthals were builders who ventured deep into caves study shows

Neanderthals were builders who constructed walls and ventured deep into caves, an international team of scientists have revealed after examining some 175,000-year-old semicircular walls...
Female beaver takes to the water

Beaver pair released at secret location in Devon

An adult female and adult male beaver have been released at a secret location in East Devon near the River Otter on private land....
Dosing antibiotics to cattle

Antibiotics raise greenhouse gas emissions from cow dung new study says

If you dose your cattle with antibiotics, you also raise levels of greenhouse gas emissions from cow dung - specifically methane - an international...
A UFO or trick of light near ISS

UFO near International Space Station reflections says NASA many unconvinced

A UFO filmed near the International Space Station is no such thing NASA says, claiming that unidentified flying object sightings do not occur and...
Invisibility cloak fingers gone

Invisibility cloak really works people see what’s behind you but not you

An invisibility cloak, very similar to the one in the Harry Potter stories, really does work – it completely hides what it is cloaking...
Giant towers on the Moon

Giant towers on Moon proof aliens exist say UFO seekers

Some giant towers on the Moon are proof that aliens exist, says a group of UFO enthusiasts who believe governments and public agencies are...
Artificial intelligencce preparing for the worst

Artificial intelligence imagine the worst to prepare for the worst

We should prepare for the worst that can happen with artificial intelligence by first imaging the worst, say a computer scientist and entrepreneur-hacktivist. If...
Octopus squid and cuttlefish thriving in warmer waters

Squid octopus and cuttlefish populations rise along with sea temperatures

As sea temperatures rise so do squid, octopus and cuttlefish populations - they are one of the few species that appear to be thriving...