Cutting down food waste would help reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Cutting down food waste would reduce greenhouse gas emissions and consequently help mitigate climate change, says a team of German scientists. Approximately one tenth...
Amazing UFO hovering captured by ISS camera
An amazing UFO hovering in the distance has been captured by one of the ISS (International Space Station) cameras as it orbits the Earth...
Mysterious structure in Egyptian desert is UFO bunker say enthusiasts
A mysterious structure spotted in the Egyptian desert has alien enthusiasts convinced it is an ultra-secret UFO bunker. The structure, which is visible on...
Space rooms that expand in orbit potential future hotel accommodation
We could soon have space rooms orbiting Earth - and perhaps one day on the Moon and even Mars – that instantly expand to...
Massive supernova explosions showered Earth with radioactive debris
A series of massive supernova explosions showered the Earth with radioactive debris a few million years ago, an international team of scientists reported, and...
Ninth planet could kill us all off some say this month
Could the ninth planet, which was discovered earlier this year and allegedly erased life on Earth several million years ago, do the same again?...
Red Deer entered outer islands of Scotland 5000 years ago from Europe
Red deer (Cervus elaphus) entered the outer islands of Scotland about 5000 years ago, say researchers from Cardiff University. Most likely, they were brought...
Half of World Heritage sites facing serious threat warns WWF
Almost half of all our World Heritage sites are facing serious threats from harmful industrial activities, a new World Wildlife Fund (WWF) report warns....
How Hannibal crossed the Alps mapped thanks to animal manure
After centuries of disagreements regarding Hannibal’s route across the Alps, an international team of scientists has managed to trace his precise path by literally...
Ritual human sacrifice fuelled social inequality showing religion had a dark side
Ritual human sacrifice fuelled social inequality, helping individuals at the top of the social ladder to maintain power over those below them, says a...