Harbour Seal population plummets smartphone to the rescue
Smartphone technology is being used to help solve the mysterious population decline of the Harbour Seal along the Scottish coast – an enigma that...
Great Barrier Reef worst coral bleaching on record say experts
The northern part of the Great Barrier Reef, the largest living thing on Earth, has literally been ‘fried’ in the worst coral bleaching event...
Pavlof Volcano in Alaska erupted suddenly flinging ash into the sky
The Pavlof Volcano, a stratovolcano of the Aleutian Range on the Alaska Peninsula, erupted suddenly during the weekend, spewing ash into the sky. Today...
Planet Nine existence looking more likely as new evidence emerges
The existence of Planet Nine in the far outer edges of our Solar System is becoming more likely as new evidence has emerged, says...
Petrified fish fossil photographed on Mars claims UFO seeker
A fish fossil – a petrified fish – has been photographed by NASA’s Curiosity Rover on the surface of Mars, claims a UFO seeker,...
Human colony on the Moon by 2022 highly likely
A human colony of ten astronauts could be permanently stationed on the Moon by the year 2022, say NASA scientists. They claim that the...
Walking blind cavefish provides clues on water to land evolution
A walking blind species of cavefish discovered in Thailand will provide scientists with clues on how, during evolution, creatures made the transition from swimming...
Belief in God involves suppressing analytical part of brain and boosting empathy
Belief in God occurs when we suppress the analytical part of our brain and engage the empathic network, but when we focus on the...
UFO files will be opened to public if Hillary Clinton wins elections
Hillary Clinton said she would open up UFO files to the public if she won the upcoming presidential elections in the United States on...
Shockwave from massive star explosion captured by Kepler space telescope
The shockwave of a massive star explosion has been captured by NASA’s Kepler space telescope, known as the planet hunter. This is the first...