Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Most distant galaxy discovered by scientists

Most distant galaxy ever detected by Hubble over 13 billion light years away

The most distant galaxy ever has been detected by the Hubble Space Telescope – it is 13.4 billion light years away, which means what...
Greenpeace report on fish from Arctic seas

Major food brands buying fish from fragile Arctic regions

Major supermarkets and food brands in Britain are buying fish from controversial giant bottom trawlers that are venturing further north in the fragile Arctic...
Fast Radio Bursts have scientists enthralled and perplexed

Multiple fast radio bursts have scientists enthralled and unable to explain

Multiple fast radio bursts coming from beyond the Milky Way have been detected by scientists, who are super excited but unable to explain why...
This amazing dragonly is a world champion flier

Dragonfly is longest flier in the world can cross oceans in one go

The tiny dragonfly (Pantala flavescens), which is barely 1.5 inches long (3.8cm), is the longest flier in the world regarding distance, says a group...
Fortotubus filaments fungi first organisms on land

We originated from fungi 440 million years ago says a scientist

We originated from super-ancient fungi 440 million years ago, says a scientist, who claims he has identified the earliest example of an organism that...
One of many finds at the Anglo Saxon island

Anglo Saxon settlement remains at least 1200 years old found in Lincolnshire

An Anglo-Saxon island that was a settlement where people lived at least 1200 years ago has been discovered by a team of archaeologists from...
Asian Hornet could be in UK soon attacking honeybees

Asian hornets may destroy British honeybee population experts warn

Asian hornets, which are about to invade Britain after spreading all over France and neighbouring countries, may destroy the British honeybee population, entomologists warn....
Scott Kelly smiling back on Earth

Scott Kelly and Mikhail Kornienko back on Earth after year in space

NASA’s Scott Kelly and Roscosmos’ Mikhail Kornienko are safely back on Earth after completing almost one year (340 days) aboard the International Space Station....
Alleged recording of an alien who says he wants to make contact

Recording of alien talking being ridiculed in social media

An alleged recording of an alien talking has gone viral, but not because people were amazed or fascinated, but as a source of ridicule...
Environment Secretary given air pollution final warning

Air pollution warning to Environment Secretary or face High Court action says ClientEarth

A final legal warning regarding air pollution has been sent to Lizz Truss, the UK Environment Secretary, by ClientEarth – the British Government has...