Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Photo of London and UK

Beautiful photo of London captured by astronaut Tim Peake

A beautiful photo of London in all its glory captured by British astronaut Tim Peake, which he then posted on Twitter, has spread across...
UFO secret documents declassified by CIA

UFO investigations by CIA documents made public

How are UFO investigations done by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)? Now we can have a better idea after they opened up some hitherto...
Big Garden Birdwatch 2016

Big Garden Birdwatch attracts half a million Britons says RSPB

This weekend there is a Big Garden Birdwatch underway where half a million Britons are helping conservation scientists with crucial data about the changes...
Postage Stamp of Genyornis Australia

Gigantic Australian bird Genyornis became extinct because of humans

A gigantic 7-foot tall Australian bird called Genyornis that existed about 50,000 years ago, most probably became extinct because of humans, who hunted its...
Recent European Hot Summers unseen in two thousand years

UK and Europe hottest summers in thousands of years

UK and European summers are the hottest in thousands of years – in fact, nearly two thousand years – says an international team of...
Rocket Science invites all British pupils to become space biologists

Space gardening Rocket Science experiment Tim Peake asks kids for help

A massive space gardening experiment – called Rocket Science – will be underway soon, and British astronaut Tim Peake is asking thousands of British...
Theia crashed head on and created the Earth and Moon we know today

Earth and Moon created from head on collision with Theia

The Earth and Moon were created after a massive head on collision with the ‘planetary embryo’ known as Theia, approximately 100 million years after...
Rocket Science space gardening Tim Peake

Tim Peake asks kids for help in space gardening experiment

British astronaut Major Tim Peake has asked kids for help in a space gardening experiment called 'Rocket Science'. He is holding 2kg of rockets...
Hottest summers in UK are likely to become more common

Britain has hottest summers since Roman times Europe too

Britain has recently had the hottest summers since Roman times, specifically since the warmer Roman summers that were common up to the 3rd century...
Earth is made from two planets and so is the Moon

Earth made of two planets so is Moon

The Earth is made of two planets and so is the Moon - their current compositions are the result of a mega head-on collision...