Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Huge gas cloud the Smith Cloud

Mega gas cloud whizzing towards Milky Way will be giant star factory

A mega gas cloud that is whizzing towards the Milky Way at 700,000 miles per hour (1,126,540 km/h) will probably become a giant star factory...
Committee on Climate Change Emission cuts

More greenhouse gas emission cuts needed says UK adviser

More aggressive greenhouse gas emission cuts will probably be needed, says the Committee on Climate Change, the UK Government’s global warming adviser, following the...
AlphaGo Google DeepMind

Artificial Intelligence AlphaGo stunned experts won at toughest game ever

An artificial intelligence called AlphaGo stunned experts when it won against a grand master five consecutive times in the toughest game in the world....
Huge planet in giant solar system a trillion km from its parent star

Mega planet in giant solar system 1 trillion km from its star discovered

Imagine a mega planet with up to 15 times the mass of Jupiter in a giant solar system 1 trillion km from its star,...
Google Artificial intelligence AlphGo wins at game of Go

Google artificial intelligence beat human grand master at Go

A Google artificial intelligence called AlphaGo beat a human grand master at the demanding game of Go - a game of profound complexity which...

Mega Scottish wildcat survey aims to prevent extinction

A mega Scottish wildcat survey is underway as wildlife conservationists fight to save the animal from certain extinction in Scotland. According to Scottish Wildcat...
What effect would Brexit have on UK environment

Brexit threatens environment due to regulation removal

Brexit threatens the UK’s environment because European regulations and safeguards would be removed, say fourteen academics and former bosses of environmental bodies and Government...
Grey Squirrel succes due to us

Grey squirrels not master invaders humans made them spread

All this talk of grey squirrels being master invaders is a long-held myth – humans were the ones that made them spread across the...
Moon Landing conspiracy theories are unlikely

Moon landing not fake we would know by now it were

You can bet that the Moon landing of 1969 was not fake, it was not made up, because we would know by now if...
Marvin Minsky died on Sunday the Father of Artificial Intelligence

Father of artificial intelligence, Marvin Minsky died on Sunday aged 88

Known as the father of artificial intelligence, Marvin Minsky died on Sunday, January 24, aged 88, at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital of a...