Automation will affect one third of UK jobs by the 2030s, PwC report
The impact of automation (AI and robotics) on UK workers has been assessed by accountancy firm PwC.
According to the report, almost one third of...
Post Intelligence launches AI-powered social marketing tool “PI”
An AI-powered social marketing tool called PI has launched.
The new AI tool was developed by San Francisco-based Post Intelligence – founded by ex-Google executives...
Study: Algorithms based on AI can make very profitable investment decisions
Algorithms based on artificial intelligence shows incredible promise in making profitable investments.
A recent study by researchers at Germany's Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU) School of Business and...
Researchers devise effective method of 3D printing bacteria for materials production
Researchers in the Netherlands published a paper outlining a method of effectively 3D printing bacterial cultures for materials production and patterning.
The paper, authored by...
Brazil leads world in ‘anywhere working,’ survey suggests
A global survey finds a considerable proportion of workers are taking up "anywhere working" - and no more so than in Brazil where 4...
VW’s plan to launch new electric vehicles by 2020 is “well on the way”
VW's plan to launch their new electric vehicles (EVs) and MEB platform by 2020 is "well on the way", Volkswagen CEO Herbert Diess told...
Samsung creates an AI agent called ‘Bixby’ to help perform tasks for its users
Samsung has announced a new AI agent for its devices called ‘Bixby’, a digital voice assistant developed to help consumers have better control of...
Researchers propose wi-fi network based on infrared rays, 100 times faster than existing system
Researchers at Eindhoven University of Technology have developed a new wireless network based on infrared rays.
Regular wi-fi uses radio signals with a frequency of...
Dubai-based firm ‘Cazza’ set to create the world’s first 3D printed skyscraper
Dubai-based Cazza Technologies, a leader in high-tech 3D printed homes and buildings, has confirmed it will create the world’s first 3D printed skyscraper.
CEO of...
Project to test ability of ‘rotor sails’ to cut global shipping’s fuel consumption
The potential for "rotor sails" to cut fuel consumption of ocean-going vessels is being tested in a new project. It will be the first...