
Petrified fish on Mars

Petrified fish fossil photographed on Mars claims UFO seeker

A fish fossil – a petrified fish – has been photographed by NASA’s Curiosity Rover on the surface of Mars, claims a UFO seeker,...
Lunar Base for a human colony on the Moon

Human colony on the Moon by 2022 highly likely

A human colony of ten astronauts could be permanently stationed on the Moon by the year 2022, say NASA scientists. They claim that the...

Brexit supporters list of business people falls apart after complaints

Brexit campaigners have been forced into a humiliating apology after some people in their 250 list of business leaders allegedly supporting leaving the European...

Al Jazeera Media Network laying off 500 employees worldwide

Al Jazeera Media Network, the Qatar-based multinational multimedia conglomerate, announced that it is laying off 500 employees worldwide. Mostefa Souag, acting director general of the...

250 UK business leaders are backing the ‘Brexit’ campaign

The Vote Leave group revealed on Saturday that 250 business leaders are backing the campaign for the UK to leave the European Union (EU). Notable...
Blind Cavefish that can climb steep slopes

Walking blind cavefish provides clues on water to land evolution

A walking blind species of cavefish discovered in Thailand will provide scientists with clues on how, during evolution, creatures made the transition from swimming...
Belief in God Albert Einstein

Belief in God involves suppressing analytical part of brain and boosting empathy

Belief in God occurs when we suppress the analytical part of our brain and engage the empathic network, but when we focus on the...
Declassify UFO files Hillary Clinton

UFO files will be opened to public if Hillary Clinton wins elections

Hillary Clinton said she would open up UFO files to the public if she won the upcoming presidential elections in the United States on...
Supernova Event Shockwave

Shockwave from massive star explosion captured by Kepler space telescope

The shockwave of a massive star explosion has been captured by NASA’s Kepler space telescope, known as the planet hunter. This is the first...
Sun superflare could mean end of life on Earth

Sun superflare could destroy life on Earth warn scientists

A Sun superflare could destroy life on Earth, and not just completely frazzle our electronic equipment, says an international team of scientists. Those who...