Tata Steel slashing a further 1,050 jobs in the UK in latest round of...
Tata Steel is slashing a further 1,050 jobs in the UK in its latest round of job cuts, representing yet another blow to the...
Mega earthworms size of small snakes in Isle of Rum off Scottish coast
Scientists found mega earthworms the size of small snakes in the Isle of Rum, one of the small isles of the Inner Hebrides. They...
Atomic bombs to destroy killer asteroids EU funded Russian research
Atomic bombs could be used to destroy killer asteroids that are heading our way and pose a threat to human life. This is what...
Creatures frozen for thirty years revived in extraordinary Japanese research
Microscopic creatures that had been frozen solid for over thirty years were revived in an extraordinary research carried out by Japanese scientists. The super-tiny...
Marine Conservation Zones expanded considerably around English coast
Marine Conservation Zones have been expanded considerably around the waters of England after the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) added twenty-three...
Microsoft HoloLens headset will have a battery life of 5 to 5.5 hours
New details about the battery life of Microsoft’s augmented reality headset ‘HoloLens’ has emerged thanks to a recent video from an event in Tel Aviv,...
Alien megastructure in space theory reignited by American astronomer
An alien megastructure might exist 1,500 light-years away, after an American astronomer reignited speculation that the mysterious dimming of a star is being caused...
Legendary White City ruins excavation in Honduras underway
The secrets of the long-rumoured legendary White City (La Cuidad Blanca), speculated since the 16th century to have untold riches, may be on the verge...
Crazy Moon Village project of European Space Agency boss Jan Woerner
A crazy Moon Village project has been announced by European Space Ageny boss Jan Woerner. It was Prof. Warner himself who described his idea...
Spacewalk was exhilarating astronaut Tim Peake said
British astronaut Tim Peake, who went out on a spacewalk yesterday, described the experience as exhilarating, one that “will be etched in my memory...