Microsoft Band 2 update: All-new music controls and activity reminders
Microsoft announced a major update for its flagship fitness product the Band 2.
The Microsoft Band 2 only launched recently, but the update adds several...
Google held meetings with UK government over driverless cars
Google held meetings with the Department for Transport (DfT) about the future of driverless cars in the UK, according to documents obtained by the Telegraph.
Oil price plunges and takes stock markets down with it
As the oil price plunges it is taking stock markets across the world down with it, with investors running for cover. The looming US interest rate...
Mozilla gives up on Firefox OS for smartphones
Mozilla is giving up on Firefox OS for smartphones after the initiative failed to attract enough consumer interest.
The first commercial Firefox OS based phone,...
Urine socks generate electricity and power wireless transmitter
A pair of wearable urine socks can generate electricity and power a wireless transmitter to send a Wi-Fi signal to a personal computer. The...
Yahoo launches ‘Video Guide’ app for searching streamed content
Yahoo has launched a mobile app called ‘Yahoo Video Guide’ which makes it a lot easier for people to find out which video-streaming service...
Brexit may harm UK top credit rating say two leading credit agencies
The threat of Brexit – Britain exiting from the EU – could hit the top credit rating of the UK, say two leading credit agencies,...
Geminid Meteor Shower peaks on Sunday and Monday says Met Office
The spectacular Geminid Meteor Shower, which comes as regular as clockwork at this time of year, peaks on Sunday and Monday, the 13th and 14th of...
Christine Lagarde warns of Brexit risks for UK economic recovery
Christine Lagarde warns of the risks for the UK economy related to a possible Brexit (Britain Exiting the EU). The Managing Director of the...
Global climate change deal to mark end of fossil fuel era imminent
A global climate change deal to mark the end of the fossil fuel era is imminent, said negotiators at the 2015 United Nations Climate...