Huge Pluto area has no craters, say astonished NASA scientists
A huge area on the surface of Pluto is completely crater free, an image of the dwarf planet produced by NASA’s New Horizons scientists...
Dark matter may have put us here and got rid of the dinosaurs
What if dark matter is responsible for putting us – humans – here, and getting rid of the dinosaurs? Lisa Randall, a theoretical physicists...
Climate change may push 100 million people back into poverty by 2030
Climate change has the potential to push over 100 million people back into extreme poverty by 2030, says a new World Bank report, with...
UK to hold emergency response meeting after terrorist attacks in Paris
An emergency meeting will be held by the British government after the devastating terrorist attacks in Paris that killed 129 people, according to a...
Exoplanet with 5400 mph winds and 1200 °C temperature discovered
Scientists have discovered an exoplanet with 5400 winds and a surface temperature of 1200 °C about 63 light years from Earth. A team from...
Yandex extends Google antitrust battle to the EU
Yandex, the biggest search website in Russia, has asked the European Commission to investigate alleged anti-competitive practices by Google related to how it bundles...
Windows 10 outperforms Valve’s SteamOS in benchmark tests
Microsoft's Windows 10 outperformed Valve's SteamOS in a series of benchmark tests carried out by Ars Technica.
The results of the tests showed SteamOS lagging behind Windows...
Canadian pension funds acquire Chicago toll road for $2.8 billion
Three Canadian pension funds announced on Friday that they will be acquiring the company holding the rights to run and operate the Chicago Skyway...
Mars’ moon Phobos is gradually falling apart, say NASA scientists
Phobos, one of Mars’ two moons, has long, shallow grooves lining its surface that scientists at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center believe are the...
Blood rain culprit strange microalgae, not a punishment
A blood rain downpour in the autumn of 2014, that shocked the inhabitants of several villages around Zamora in northwest Spain, was caused by a...