
Triassic marine life

Toxic and oxygen-starved oceans caused mass extinction 200 million years ago

Two hundred million years ago, half of all plant, animal and marine life became extinct, and evidence shows that oxygen-depleted toxic oceans played a...
Blackpoll Warbler pic

Tiny songbird completes incredible 1500 mile fly-or-die migration every year

A tiny songbird, the 0.42 oz (12 gram) Blackpoll Warbler flies from 1,410 to 1,720 miles (2270 to 2770 km) over the sea non-stop...
Welder at LHC

Large Hadron Collider set to restart after short circuit problem fixed

The world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator, the Large Hardon Collider (LHC), is set to restart this weekend after scientists fixed a short circuit...
Jonathan Franzen

Birds matter more than renewable energy schemes, says Jonathan Franzen

American novelist and essayist Jonathan Franzen argues that birds matter more than renewable energy schemes aimed at combating climate change and ultimately protecting humans....
Precursors to cluster galaxies

Source of galaxy clusters discovered by cosmologists

Cosmologists believe they have discovered the source of the vast cluster of galaxies we see today, after combining observational data of the distant Universe...
FRB telescope live

Intelligent aliens may be sending those fast radio bursts, scientists say

Mysterious radio bursts from deep space are sent in such dispersion measures that they are unlikely to have come from something natural, scientists say,...
Camel skeleton pic

Complete camel skeleton from Ottoman Empire found in Austria

Archaeologists were amazed to find a complete camel skeleton in Tulln, Lower Austria, dating back to the 17th century during the Second Ottoman War....
High Brown Fritillary 1

British critically endangered butterfly makes spectacular comeback

In 2014, High Brown Fritillary, Britain’s most critically endangered butterfly, made a spectacular comeback as conservationists registered a population increase of 180% compared to...

First time in four years Marks & Spencer posts rise in clothing sales

Marks & Spencer posted a 1.9% increase in sales for the three months to 28 March. For the first time in four years the retailer...

Werewolf plant Ephedra foeminea releases pollen only in July’s full moon

Did you know there is a plant that only releases its pollen under the light of the full moon in July? It is called...