XS Cargo Co. will be closing 50 stores across Canada
The Mississauga based warehouse retailer, XS Cargo Co., is going to close 50 stores across eight provinces in Canada.
The company, founded in 1996, carried...
Starr International claims U.S. government broke the law in its AIG bailout
Starr International, the investment firm of former AIG CEO Maurice Greenberg, has made allegations in a lawsuit that the U.S. government broke the law...
PIMCO already losing billions following Bill Gross’s abrupt departure
Following Bill Gross’s abrupt departure from the bond firm he founded, Pacific Investment Management Co., has suffered more than $10 billion of withdrawals.
Fisher says Fed must not fall behind the curve in increasing rates
Dallas Fed President, Richard Fisher, has said that the Federal Reserve must not fall behind the curve in its decision to start increasing interest...
UKIP would abolish inheritance tax
UKIP says it would abolish inheritance tax if it won the general elections next year. It would also increase VAT (value added tax, sales...
Canadian executive gets 15-year prison sentence in Cuba
Cy Tokmakjian, 74, a Canadian automobile executive has been sentenced in Cuba to 15 years in prison. He was found guilty of corruption, Cuban...
Linamar to acquire metal forging concerns
Canada's second biggest vehicle parts manufacturer Linamar Corp has agreed to acquire the high volume hot forging business of Carolina Forge Co., based in...
Air France pilot strike ends after two costly weeks
After two weeks and hundreds of millions of euros in losses, Air France pilots have called off their strike, and with no deal signed....
Solar panel awards worth $94m across New York State
Solar panel awards worth $94 million were announced by Andrew M. Cuomo, the Governor of New York State. The NY-Sun awards are aimed at...
Softbank in takeover talks with DreamWorks
Softbank Corp. and DreamWorks Animation SKG are talking about an acquisition deal said to be worth about $3.4 billion. Softbank, a major Alibaba shareholder,...