Lemmings use loud barks, ferocious bites and bold colors to scare off predators
Lemmings scare off predators by emitting a very loud bark, an extremely ferocious bite, and giving the false impression it is poisonous with its...
Dutch chimps adopt Scottish accent when they bond with new group
Dutch and Scottish chimps have a different sounding grunt for “apple”, but when the Dutch animals moved in with the Scottish ones, they eventually adopted...
The Universe was pitch black for 550m years
After the Big Bang there was no light in the Universe for 550 million years, which was 100 million years later than previously thought,...
Has the common cold met its nemesis in the viral “Enigma machine”?
Scientists say they have found the “Enigma Machine” that cracks the code of a whole class of viruses, including those that cause the common...
Moon has more hydrogen on its Pole-facing slopes
The crater slopes on the Moon that face its Poles have 23 parts-per-million-by-weight more hydrogen than its Equator-facing slopes, according to recent observations by...
Grey Seals’ corkscrew injuries may be due to cannibalism
The Grey Seals’ corkscrew injuries, which led experts to suspect ship propellers were the cause, are more likely to be the result of cannibalism...
Termites may halt the expansion of deserts in Africa, Asia and S. America
Deserts in Africa, South America and Asia are expanding, and so far nothing has managed to halt their spread, except for perhaps termites, says...
Chimps learn new language when they move to a new group
Chimpanzees have specific words (grunts) for different types of fruit, and after some time, can adopt a different language with novel sounds after joining...
Eve the robot scientist discovers new drugs on her own
An artificial intelligence, a robot scientist that researchers from the Universities of Cambridge, Manchester and Aberystwyth have called ‘Eve’, could well make drug discovery a...
Humans can now sense magnetic fields with a sensor placed on the skin
Magnetoception, the ability to sense magnetic fields, is something birds, insects, turtles, sharks, stingrays and bacteria have to perceive direction, altitude or location, but...