Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Black hole V404 Cygni violent outburst

Bright and violent black hole near Earth gave off intense hydrogen helium wind

A bright and violent black hole, which is relatively near the Earth, was observed last year giving off an intense wind of helium and...
State of world plant species

A fifth of all plant species at risk of extinction new Kew report warns

A fifth - 21% - of all global plant species are at risk of extinction, mainly because of climate change, invasive species, habitat loss,...
Wildfire Canada

Fort McMurray wildfire to continue spreading amid extreme conditions says NASA

The Fort McMurray area will continue to be razed for some time by a massive wildfire, according to NASA, which reports that fire conditions...
36 percent believe UFOs exist

NASA making alien life announcement excited conspiracy theorists claim

With NASA making one announcement after another regarding its search for alien life, conspiracy theorists, UFO seekers and extraterrestrial enthusiasts across the world can...
Flying saucers over Swansea

Swansea UFO hotspot with hundreds of sightings and alien encounters

Swansea, Wales’ second largest city, is quite a UFO hotspot, with hundreds of sightings and alien encounters reported over the past 160 years, says...
Transit of Mercury 9 May 2016

Watch the Transit of Mercury today and make sure you take precautions

You can watch the Transit of Mercury today, 9th May, but make sure you take precautions – you should never look directly at the...
Koala extinction risk

Koala extinction looming in south east Queensland without human help

The koala is at serious risk of extinction in the wild in south east Queensland without human help, specifically unless urban development in key...
First plant eating marine reptile

Plant eating marine reptile fossil likely first of its kind

A strange-looking ‘hammerhead’ crocodile-sized plant eating marine reptile fossil, that existed about 242 million years ago, was probably the first known example of a...
49 new species at risk of extinction Australia

Nearly fifty new species added to Australian threatened list

Nearly fifty new species of animals and plants are threatened, i.e. at high risk of becoming extinct, according to an Australian Federal government list....
Gases for life in other planets

Gases which increase likelihood of life on other planets listed by scientists

Scientists have listed the molecules that are present in gases which they believe would be found on other planets with life as we know...