Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Abel Prize for solving Fermats Last Theorem

Centuries old mathematical mystery solved by Oxford Professor who wins half million pounds

A centuries old mathematical mystery – Fermat’s Last Theorem – was solved by Sir Andrew Wiles, an Oxford University Professor, in 1993. This week,...
V404 Cygni devouring a companion star

Violent black hole V404 Cygni with power of 1000 suns observed by scientists

Intense red flashes from a violent black hole – V404 Cygni – with the power of 1000 Suns, have been captured by an international...
T shaped shape shifting UFO filmed

Shape shifting UFO capable of becoming invisible filmed in Massachusetts

A shape shifting UFO allegedly capable of becoming invisible and then appearing again has been filmed in the city of Medford in Middlesex County,...
February hottest month ever

February hottest month ever globally by far scientists alarmed

According to NASA, February 2016 was the warmest month ever, with the global average temperature 1.35°C higher than the long-term average, and 0.2°C hotter...
Pigeon Air Patrol for London

Pigeons monitoring London pollution and posting readings on Twitter

Ten racing pigeons equipped with special backpacks are monitoring London pollution and posting their readings of atmospheric concentrations of contaminants on Twitter. In fact,...
New species explains Tyrannosaurus rex evolution

Tyrannosaurus rex was small at first no longer than 10 feet

Tyrannosaurus rex was small at first, no longer than 10 feet in fact, and lightly built - smaller than most modern horses. It was not...
Flood risk USA sea level rises by end of century

Over 13 million US homes flooded by 2100 due to sea level rise

Over 13 million US homes in 219 coastal counties face serious flooding by 2100 following sea level rises caused by climate change, say scientists...
Giant Redwood huge tree

Giant redwood trees planted in Cornwall to make forest

Forty giant coast redwood trees from California have been planted on Monday at the Eden Project in Cornwall, south-west England – it is the...
Living forever in a robot

I will live forever through robots says Russian billionaire Dmitry Itskov

Russian billionaire Dmitry Itskov believes he will live forever through robots, into which his consciousness and personality would be uploaded. The ultra-advanced robots would...
Bermuda Triangle mystery maybe solved

Bermuda triangle mystery solved methane bubble explosions from leaking gas

The Bermuda triangle appears to have finally been solved by scientists, who say that methane bubble explosions caused by leaking gas from deposits buried...