Editor's Choice

Disruptive Startups and Investors - Thumbnail

Disruptive startups quick to attract investors, but with little money

Disruptive startups are quick to attract investors, mainly because they do not want to miss out. However, the disruptive startup notion makes them cautious....
Ford to start using powerful graphene

Powerful graphene for vehicle parts coming soon, says Ford

The Ford Motor Company says that it will soon use powerful graphene for vehicle parts. We currently use graphene in coating, some sporting goods,...
Milestone towards a 5G future

Towards a 5G future – successful milestone tests

Researchers report successful tests which bring us closer to a 5G future in the world of wireless Internet. A future vision of high-speed wireless...
Jobs prospects for people with disabilities

Employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities

For individuals with disabilities in the United States, employment outcomes depend strongly on local and state conditions. They also depend on the physical environment,...
UK Council Spending Cuts - thumbnail

Council spending cuts twice as deep in England as rest of UK

Council spending cuts or 'austerity cuts' were twice as deep in England as in the rest of the United Kingdom. University of Cambridge researchers...
Sustainably brewed beer - thumbnail

Sustainably brewed beer – consumers willing to pay more

Two researchers from Indiana University say that consumers are willing to pay a higher price for sustainably brewed beer. Their study will be good...
Best Before Date - Thumbnail pic

A hundred more best before dates disappear from fruit and veg, Tesco

Tesco is set to remove more than one-hundred more 'best before dates' from its fruit and vegetables. According to the British supermarket giant, customers...
Royal Navy Contract one billion pounds

Cammell Laird and A&P win Royal Navy contract worth £1bn

Three British shipbuilding companies have won a Royal Navy contract worth £1bn ($1.31bn). The three companies are Cammell Laird, A&P Group Ltd, and UK...
Helping Robots Navigate - Thumbnail image

Helping robots navigate environments more like we do

MIT researchers have devised a way of helping robots navigate environments more like we do. In other words, find their way by learning along...
UK Fracking to begin in Lancashire

Will UK fracking grow? Cuadrilla begins this week in Lancashire

UK fracking might grow significantly or stop in its tracks. Cuadrilla Resources, an oil and gas exploration company, will begin work on a well...