

Google creates dedicated virtual reality division led by Clay Bavor

Google is creating its very own dedicated virtual reality division which will reportedly be led by Clay Bavor - VP of product management for...
Humans with webbed feet

Humans with webbed feet and cat like eyes after sea levels rise

Humans will most likely have webbed feet and hands, cat-like eyes, longer fingers and toes for underwater foraging, after climate change causes sea levels...
New pictures of Ceres from NASA

Beautiful dwarf planet Ceres pictures released by NASA

Beautiful pictures of the dwarf planet Ceres, which piqued the interest of astronomers and planetary scientists throughout 2015, have been released by NASA. The...
Parliamentary debate on whether to change England team national anthem

National anthem change for England at sports events to be debated

Parliament is to debate whether there should be a national anthem change for England at sports events. ‘God Save the Queen’ is the United...
apple music

Apple Music has over 10 million paying subscribers

Apple Music has more than 10 million paying subscribers after launching just six months ago, according to a recent report by The Financial Times. The...
Bronze Age homes at Must Farm Historic England

Bronze Age homes in incredible condition astonish Cambridge archaeologists

Two Bronze Age homes in incredible condition have astonished archaeologists from Cambridge University during an excavation at Must Farm quarry in Whittlesey, an ancient...
google self driving car

Google plans on partnering up with the auto industry for self-driving cars

Google plans on partnering up with major auto industry companies to push forward with the development of self-driving cars. There hasn’t been any word on...

Uber launches ‘Trip Experiences’ to keep riders entertained

Uber announced the launch of a new developer feature called ‘Uber Trip Experiences’ which allows third-party developers to send customized content and notifications to...
Titanosaurus skeleton

Mega dinosaur Titanosaur documentary with Sir David Attenborough on BBC

There will be a documentary later this month on the mega giant dinosaur species Titanosaur, the largest known dinosaur that was estimated to have...

Tesla CEO Elon Musk calls Apple’s electric vehicle project an “open secret”

Tesla CEO Elon Musk called Apple's secret electric vehicle project an "open secret" in a recent interview, adding that the company's entry into the...