Renewable Energy

Keep up to date with the latest renewable energy news, research papers and developments from around the world.

Biomass Energy Portugal article - thumbnail

EU Commission approves biomass energy support scheme in Portugal

The European Commission has approved a €320 million scheme to support biomass energy installations in Portugal. The installations will be near forests that are...
GE Renewable Energy thumbnail

GE consolidating renewable and grid assets into GE Renewable Energy

GE announced on Wednesday that it proposes to consolidate its renewable and grid assets under one banner - 'GE Renewable Energy .' Worldwide demand for...
Breaking up FOG and producing energy simultaneously

Breaking up FOG – fats, oils, and grease – while also producing energy

Fats, oils, and grease, i.e., FOG, can clog up pipes. Recently, they blocked London's sewage system. They can also harm fish and grow into...
Smart Energy Islands solar panels

Hitachi invest in low carbon Smart Energy Islands project for Isles of Scilly, UK

Hitachi Europe have confirmed they are taking part in a £10.8 million Smart Energy Islands project - mostly funded with European money - to...
Google Tainan City Wind Project - thumbnail

Google purchases output of 10 MW solar array in Tainan City Taiwan

Google has signed a long-term agreement to buy the output of a 10 MW solar array in Tainan City in Taiwan. The solar array...
Tufts University Masters Degree Wind Energy Thumbnail

New Master’s Degree in Offshore Wind Energy Engineering, Tufts

Tufts University announced a new Master's Degree in Offshore Wind Energy Engineering course. It is the first graduate program of its kind in the...
solar panels

UK solar panels produce more electricity than coal for 6 months in 2016

For the first time ever, solar panels in the United Kingdom generated more electricity than coal-fired power stations in the 6 months to September. From...
Haliade-X wind turbine thumdnail

GE building Haliade-X – the world’s largest wind turbine

GE (General Electric Company), the New York-based multinational conglomerate, is building the world's largest wind turbine in the Netherlands. GE is building the Haliade-X...
solar farm in australia

Australia pushing ahead with ammonia as carbonless fuel

The idea of using ammonia to store energy from renewables such as solar and wind is gaining ground, with Australia emerging as a key...
Wind and solar farms on the Sahara desert

Giant wind and solar farms in the Sahara would make it wetter and greener

If the Sahara Desert had giant wind and solar farms, the area would be wetter, greener, and warmer researchers report. We know that solar...